Monday 16 September 2013


Daca astazi as fi avut la indemana otrava, as fi baut-o.
Am urlat in perna, am tipat si m-am zbatut. La ce folos? De ce dracu n-o termin odata? Ce mai astept?

Ia sa vedem:
Leandrul (Oleander)

Oleander (Nerium Oleander. Poison Similar To Digitalis)
Dosage: not known, but fairly small amounts.
Time: unknown.
Available: leaves, wood of the plant. From garden centres.
Certainty: unknown.
Notes: [4]:
Deaths have been caused by using wood from this plant in fires, and making tea from the leaves. In a few hours there is abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhoea, rapid pulse, and visual effects. Later, a slow, weak, irregular pulse and fall in blood pressure, followed by failure of heart.
Metoda; The oleanders’ leaves and flowers were ground into particles with 1 – 2 mm, blended with 100 ml ethyl alcohol then for each trial and placed into the alcohol bath at 50°C for 5 h. The resultant extract solution was filtered through a glass wool filter and then rinsed with a small quantity (about 30 ml) of 96% ethyl alcohol. The extracts solutions were evaporated to constant weight under reduced pressure at 40°C. Subsequently, the extracts were diluted by distilled water and stored in the deep freezer, and later lyophilized
in a freeze dryer.

Cumparam planta. O ingrijim frumos, pana e plina de frunze si flori. Culegem frunzele si florile pana lasam planta cheala. Le punem la macerat, eventual cu niste alcool? Obtinem o pasta gretoasa. Ne imbatam bine, pana aproape de pierderea simturilor. Ingeram pasta de leandru. Case closed. Hopefully.

Problema e ca in tot netul asta nu gasesc metoda de preparare si mai scrie si ca e posibil sa nu mori dupa faza de mai sus. Asta chiar ar fi naspa. Sau sa te chinui 3-4 zile. Si mai naspa. desi in alte surse se arata ca moartea e aproape instantanee. Pe cine sa mai crezi?

Deci, off you go - la florarie, sa iti cumperi un leandru. Va deveni prietenul tau cel mai bun.